urban dictionary

A site with an amazing concept that was great up until 2005-ish. Today, 90% of Urban Dictionary is clogged with bizarre sexual acts that have fucking nothing to do with the original definitions. The site in general is poorly moderated and misspelled to the bone. I often wonder if the creators of this site are still alive. I don't have much of a problem with incorrect spellings, but this shit heap has redefined (no pun intended) the word "misspell" Today, 10 year olds enjoy this place the most. The small amount of definitions on here that don't relate to sex, usually relates to race or stereotypes. The 0.01% of the normal definitions are from back when this site was decent. Grow the fuck up, people.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to urban dictionary. Some of the top words include: wft, fcuk, fcuk, vestibule, Gayzle, and 25 more.